clients / case studies / government agencies

Bureau of Land Management


Implementation of a New Enterprise Management System


A new system deployed with Ephibian's assistance



The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has a dispersed heterogeneous computing environment that includes 11,000 nodes. BLM required an enterprise management solution for their disparate systems, and Ephibian assisted BLM and a prime contractor in deploying IBM/Tivoli Software to do so. The solution centered on IBM/Tivoli Inventory, Software Distribution, Remote Control, Distributed Monitoring and TEC.

What did we do?

  • Installed and customized enterprise management capabilities for the BLM
  • Helped customize software to automate the large scale deployment of software to 11,000 workstations and servers dispersed across the United States successfully and routinely
  • Helped customize software to carry out inventory scans of these workstations
  • Assisted in deploying software to remotely control PCs that are widely dispersed.
  • Provided on-going operations and maintenance support for the enterprise management of BLM’s large environment

How did we do it?

  • Tuned existing software infrastructure to operate more smoothly and quickly
  • Developed user friendly process and tools for mass software inventory and software deployments.  These proved successful across very wide geographically-dispersed, heterogeneous PC LAN environments

What was the result?

Ephibian’s mass deployment of endpoint code for BLM now allows them to provide monitoring and IT event management across their environment. The result has been improved software distribution, IT inventory, remote control/troubleshooting, and IT event management across the enterprise

This centralized capability also significantly decreased the amount of local PC support required. This will allow BLM, over time, to reduce manpower costs substantially or to focus existing staff on other critical issues.